How Its Free

We at Space Jams would like you to know that all songs, videos and links on this website are not available to intentionally disobey copyright laws or their respective owners. All material posted on this site is for promotional use only. We provide our viewers with material in hopes to assist up and coming artists in their search for recognition and hype. Once you are satisfied with our samplings, we encourage that you buy your music legally. We are not here to promote or condone any type of illegal downloading nor are we responsible for any links to third party sites and the contents of their pages. Those who visit this website are doing so on their own initiative and are responsible for their actions and compliance with the law. We assume that by visiting this site you are agreeing to the conditions in this disclaimer and are accepting of the materials posted. Therefore, any music downloaded then becomes the responsibility of the downloader. If this is not the case, we ask that you please exit this website by clicking the Back button on your browser. Copyright infringement of any kind is not tolerated and we respect those who own those copyrights. Thank You and Enjoy!